Monday, October 17, 2011

Different Types of Sofas

Different Types of Sofas

Chaise Lounge

Buying a sofa is a huge investment and can be a difficult task when you start looking for a new one. The design you like may not suit the space you have. Other considerations include how it will match with the decor of your living room. Choosing a piece of furniture could be difficult so before making a final decision, think of the size, quality of fabric, color and the purpose. Below are some of the different types of sofas available in the market.

Conventional sofas allow seating capacity for two to three people. Each end may have an armrest that drive about the halfway up to the length of the back of the sofa, depending on the design. Sofas come in an array of different styles from fashionable to formal. Some of the conventional ones with engraved wooden frame enhance the decor of your lounge.

Multiple Pieces
Sectional sofas may range in length from 6 to 10 feet or longer, and are available in various pieces. You can place them in an impressive arrangement. You may form an "L" shape or in a circular arrangement. Sectionals are one of the multipurpose type sofas.

Sleeper Sofas
sleeper sofas can be practical in small houses or apartments. A sleeper sofa offers seating for up to three people. Cushions are removable and you may pull them out to convert into a bed. The utmost advantage of a sleeper sofa is its dual-purpose usage.

Changeable/Convertible Sofas
Changeable or convertible sofas are comparable to sleeper sofas, while they offer a bed and sofa all in one. The dissimilarity is that rather than removing the cushions from the sofa to change it into the bed, cushions become the mattress.

Fabrics for sofas come in a range of types, from leather to micro fiber, to cotton or leather. Different types of sofas have an extensive range of colors and designs to choose from, and many come with the additional features like stain-resistant fabrics that provide protection from spills and dust.

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